
Community and Government Partnerships

The National Compact: working together is an agreement between the government and the not-for-profit sector to work together in new and better ways.

By working together we can make life better for all Australians. Signing up to the National Compact demonstrates a willingness by Adssi and the Government to commit to a stronger, more collaborative relationship which will help improve the lives of Australians.

Bateau Bay Men’s Shed

Adssi is a proud sponsor of the Bateau Bay Men’s Shed where men are welcome to spend time working on projects for themselves or the community, share stories and a cuppa, and learn or teach in a relaxed friendly atmosphere.

The Bateau Bay Men’s Shed is a community where men come to share their skills and stories in a supportive and inclusive environment, with the aim of involving socially isolated men and promoting their health and wellbeing.

You do not need a referral to attend the Men’s Shed – simply phone them on 0435 807 633. The shed offers a fully equipped modern workshop with hand, electric and bench-mounted tools available for both wood and metal. The shed also offers meeting and training facilities including computing.


Our partnership with Breakaway in San Remo enables us to provide respite breaks for carers of the frail aged, people with disabilities or those who live with dementia, by organising ‘getaways’ for the person you care for. Respite getaways include your accommodation, all meals, activities and personal assistance and the buildings are set in beautiful surroundings.

Contact our office on 1300 578 478 to enquire about respite getaways.

Love Food Hate Waste

Adssi is proud to be a Love Food Hate Waste Partner. The NSW Office of Environment and Heritage has developed the Love Food Hate Waste program to help reduce food waste generated by households across NSW.

Visit the Love Food Hate Waste website for useful hints on reducing food waste and environmental impact as well as saving money and time through smart planning, shopping and food storage.


Adssi partners with a range of local contractors and service providers to deliver services to our clients.

We welcome enquiries from builders, electricians, plumbers, carpenters and associated trades, and from organisations that provide:

  • Lawn mowing and garden maintenance services
  • Community support workers, personal care workers and domestic workers
  • Allied health services
  • Cleaners, including squalor and hoarding specialists

Adssi's brokerage contract establishes a legally binding agreement between us and organisations identified as suitable subcontractors for delivery of services to our clients. The agreement governs the subcontracting process by defining each party’s relationship, roles and responsibilities, and processes for management of risks.

Please contact our Building Services Team on 1300 578 478 ext 135 for all building service related enquiries

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